Found thins link again just a bit ago...

fair warning, it isn't nice, it isn't funny and it isn't anything but what you take from it...
Comments (Page 4)
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on Jul 21, 2004
Politics Of Ecstasy by Dr. Timothy Leary
on Aug 07, 2004
Since I'm almost never without a book in my hand this is a tough one. But, I guess I'd have to say firat and foremost the Bible and then Edwin Black's works "War Against the Weak" and "IBM & the Holocaust". These deal with what happens when advanced technology fall into the wrong hands and tell a blood chilling history of when that happened......
on Aug 07, 2004
Well, after God's Word, comes a couple by a very smart lady....

"Me & My Big Mouth....Your Answer Is Right Under Your Nose!" And....

"Battlefield Of The Mind".....both are by Joyce Meyer

lovesblessing also really likes "The Laws of Prosperity" by Kenneth is part of the reason that I am rich today! Praise God for His goodness!
on Aug 07, 2004
Chapterhouse: Dune - Frank Herbert
All other original Dune books - Frank Herbert
All the Hitchhiker books - Douglas Adams

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on Aug 07, 2004
Non-Fiction: Guns, Germs, and Steel by Jared Diamond.
on Aug 07, 2004
Gardens of the Moon - Steven Erikson
on Aug 07, 2004
on Aug 07, 2004
now that is plane scary

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on Aug 08, 2004
The Martian Chronicles Ray Bradbury
on Aug 08, 2004
A Farewell to Arms - Hemingway
Mantissa - Fowles
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man - Joyce
The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz - Richler
The Complete Chess Course - Reinfeld
on Aug 08, 2004
The Wealth of the Nations-Adam Smith

I also agree with lovesblessing: I DEVOUR the kcm works....
on Aug 08, 2004
The Second Treatise of Government- John Locke
on Aug 08, 2004
Hitchhikers Guide...I still laugh everytime someone rattles off a number to answer some question.

The Bible...Everytime I read something in it I find somethng new in it...or...better still...In me.
on Aug 14, 2004
i have another : cs lewis'"the great divorce".
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