Over all I found the article lacking any true depth but it is a pretty good primer for those who are wondering what it is all about and for those whom might have never heard of Skinning before.
Products listed in the article are also provided on the accompanying CD.
StarDock Applications
WindowBlinds 4.1 (public) WinStyles 1.2 (public) ObjectBar 1.6 (public)
IconPacker 2.12 (public) DesktopX 1.99 (public) CursorXP 1.04 (public)
HoverDesk 2.5
Style XP...
This is a Magazine I consider a good resource for beginning computer enthusiasts to the well versed geek looking for something that is at times funny and at others a good source of new information.
The Author seems to have a grasp behind the whole concept, though I was left wondering about the "Expert Tip's" on the page side bars. The headers might have been labeled "Things that I don't care for" in many instances.
This is where I feel there is a lack of depth and wonder if his readers might have been better served if Mat had done an interview with some of the application developers for the correct answers it curing those same things that make him go "grrrr" as he put it.
One Expert Tip listed
Your Ultimate Skin and Style Repositories as follows:
www.wincustomize.com <--- top of list

www.belchfire.net <---- new one to me?

www.deskmode.com <---- seems it might be closing down

www.xp-styles.de <---- another new one to me?
The Magazine covers much more and also explains tweaking Windows XP in ways others refuse to do "they actually have the patch