Something I just found out after installing this card into a Gigabyte GA-8SG800 based system running AGP 8x is that it boots to damn fast to hit F8..

Anyway, I unplugged the power cable from the vid-card and it actually kicked off from the overclocked speeds so I could actually watch and see what was taking place.

nvtunexp.sys was causing it to constantly rebooting after loading up windowsXP in a user account, or if I just sat and watched it would do it from the logon.

The s-video driver seems to have some issue with it and I have not seen anything yet on the net for a work around *yet is key here*...

It really isn't an issue because I am not going to be making use of it for a bit anyway and if someone is not going to make use of it at all the card drops around $50.00 in price.


anyway, if anyone is having problems with this card or the 8x gForces and can not seem to nail it down, try un-plugging the secondary power cable and it should blue screen on yo so you can see which driver is causing he glitch...

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I was playin
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on Jan 09, 2004
What proggie did you load to get that file?

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on Jan 09, 2004
Full set of display drivers... should have been selective

though I think it was part of the VIVO editing software and codec pack

ohhh and it's sweet too, fasssssssst dual 400 mhz ramdacs
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on Jan 09, 2004
put it on a 19 inch ViewSonic A90f UltraBrite CRT
on Jan 09, 2004
John...that shouldn't be in any driver ware and I wouldn't think someone would put it in their 'VIVO Edit ware'. It's not a codec. To tell you the truth, the file is usually used as a hacked module for an tell me're looking at it

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on Jan 09, 2004
no I ain't, working on booting erd so I can go cut the sucker out of the registry

dunno, will look though once it is actually going...

as far as a hack goes, eh, eVGA and all the rest who sell over-clocked cards do it though a tweak or hack.

hell at 8x with the dual ramdacs it is more than enough for doing graphics, I don't even play games

though it did come with a couple... mmm, the USArmy version 2. something or another, and Photosuite, WindowBlinds ( best one on all the cd's ) and a couple of 3d games or some sch...
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on Jan 09, 2004
oh BTW, dinna say it was ah codec, just that the last thing it ran through and loaded when I told it to install everything instead of selecting was the VIVO editing software and TV-Tuner (S-Video) componants...

I will get to know what it is though, becase it has to be something common to the FX or atleast the 5700
on Jan 09, 2004're right about the hack...all the card makers are getting into the act...they very well could have refined the file in question to crank the speed. Can't blame them for that. It just makes it another system file (am curious about the boot problem) It is a sweet card tho.....

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on Jan 09, 2004
me too, I thought about throwing it into my Asus box to see if it goes wacky or not...

it's a good thing to figure out and remember in case it comes up again for sure
on Jan 09, 2004
ahhh, it is nvtunep.sys nVidia WDM TVTuner

it's the freaking TV driver
on Jan 09, 2004
there has got to be a fix...

man I love ERD, need to update to 2004... Heck Locksmith alone has paid for the whole thing a number of times already.... But if you get something that screws a NT box, pop the ERD in and edit away at the registry and what have you so you can get the sucker booting...
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on Jan 09, 2004
Haaaa....that why it's listed as a .SYS file....couldn't understand that part. Are you going to use the TV option?

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on Jan 09, 2004
oh I knew it was a system file (driver) of some sort, not right now. I'll be doing some video editing down the road and worry about it then, well watch for a fix at least before then...
on Jan 09, 2004
Did you un-install all the graphics drivers before you put this in?

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on Jan 09, 2004
I only ask 'cause you might be able to rid yourself of the boot problem by using the nVidia FX drivers 53.03 and their WDM drivers....

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on Jan 09, 2004
I'll do that, need to clean the whole set out and default to the nasty ms vga to do it.

My wife is going to throw a fit, I swapped out the 350 for an Antec true 430 power supply while I had it pulled apart

Customer can wait,this is important!
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