Something I just found out after installing this card into a Gigabyte GA-8SG800 based system running AGP 8x is that it boots to damn fast to hit F8..
Anyway, I unplugged the power cable from the vid-card and it actually kicked off from the overclocked speeds so I could actually watch and see what was taking place.
nvtunexp.sys was causing it to constantly rebooting after loading up windowsXP in a user account, or if I just sat and watched it would do it from the logon.
The s-video driver seems to have some issue with it and I have not seen anything yet on the net for a work around *yet is key here*...
It really isn't an issue because I am not going to be making use of it for a bit anyway and if someone is not going to make use of it at all the card drops around $50.00 in price.
anyway, if anyone is having problems with this card or the 8x gForces and can not seem to nail it down, try un-plugging the secondary power cable and it should blue screen on yo so you can see which driver is causing he glitch...
I was playin

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