Something I just found out after installing this card into a Gigabyte GA-8SG800 based system running AGP 8x is that it boots to damn fast to hit F8..

Anyway, I unplugged the power cable from the vid-card and it actually kicked off from the overclocked speeds so I could actually watch and see what was taking place.

nvtunexp.sys was causing it to constantly rebooting after loading up windowsXP in a user account, or if I just sat and watched it would do it from the logon.

The s-video driver seems to have some issue with it and I have not seen anything yet on the net for a work around *yet is key here*...

It really isn't an issue because I am not going to be making use of it for a bit anyway and if someone is not going to make use of it at all the card drops around $50.00 in price.


anyway, if anyone is having problems with this card or the 8x gForces and can not seem to nail it down, try un-plugging the secondary power cable and it should blue screen on yo so you can see which driver is causing he glitch...

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I was playin
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Comments (Page 2)
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on Jan 09, 2004
YEAH... dinked it

full change of drivers is all it took, well that a changing to a 430w power supply because the 350w dinna seem to like the drain..
on Jan 09, 2004
Glad it worked...the OEM drivers can be a little touchy at times and with the wattage these new processors and graphic cards suck up, you're pushing the limit at anything below happy for ya...that is a sweet card!! if you can only explain the new PSU to your better half

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on Jan 09, 2004

ah, I've a logo to design for a client that is part os seminar and dinner for state and fed legislators she is organizing

I got baby over a barrel ! figuratively speaking of course
[Message Edited]
on Jan 09, 2004
I got baby over a barrel

.....I like...

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on Jan 10, 2004
Just to retouch on this, I own the same graphics card. For a little while after it was installed, when logging on to a user on XP the system crashed. I mean, blue screen and all. But now, it's been fine and working perfectly. If it's not broke...

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on Jan 10, 2004
after updating the drivers and going to a higher Watt PSU (430) it runs like a champ...

kinda like my old Pinto, it was great on gas when it ran and even better on gas when it didn't!
on Jan 10, 2004
Glad to hear its working IP.
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